The Peril Of Man
The obvious destruction of so many natural resources and the brutality waged against our fellow man, as well as other man-made phenomenon, meant that we had NOT the task of changing our outer Environments (with whatever technology came up next)...
But that something of a SPIRTITUAL NATURE would be necessary if we as a species are to survive. Our Spiritual Evolution en masse has not kept up with our advancing technology. Because we are acting on the lower vibrational basal-nature instincts, born of societies, greed & consumerism and the like, would only be a temporary band-aid on a dying planet.
Leaving out this crucial Spiritual aspect of our Humanity & Planetary ecology is like giving a child a Ferrari and telling him to go have fun with it.
Many of us here at Evolve the Planet Foundation went about life with obsessive curiosity and need for Scientific and Spiritual Truths. In the sciences we found great satisfaction. But eventually sensed that something was missing in our search… and in our lives and in the health of our planet.
The thirst for Divinity and Spiritual Truths remained.
It starts on an individual level. Sacred Ecology is simply, cleansing our inner ecology so that we can manifest that wholistic wellness in our outer ecology. We do this through the practice of spiritual principals, like prayer, mediation, the practice of compassion, and recognizing our connection
to each other and the planet.
Many indigenous peoples around the world have lived in harmony with the land they occupy. Practicing good stewardship of the resources that sustain them. A competition based society and a consumerism economy can ONLY lead to economic inequality and the destruction of our planet due to un-sustainable consumption.