Evolve The Planet Foundation is dedicated to helping restore the Planet, It's People's our fragile ecosystems back to our natural condition of Peace, Balance, Sustainability and Abundance for all!
The world is has now reached a tipping point!
Due to man’s careless destruction of each other and the planet, we are now facing an existential threat to Humanity.
We here at ETP seek to make lasting change with a different approach.
 Instead of relying wholly on new technology to save us, we might first have to ponder and cultivate a spiritual solution FIRST. Cleansing our own inner ecologies in order manifest that wholistic wellness into our outer world.
The Practice of SACRED ECOLOGY, is a way to do just that. Because our Spirituality has not kept up with our technology. Sacred Ecology is how most indigenous tribes and communities lived. In harmony and balance with each other and the land they occupied.
Yet WE continue to let profits and the greed of governments and corporations pollute, burn and destroy the very systems that we rely on to live. Shall we let them decide our fate, and just idly stand by until its too late. Because after all…I CANT MAKE A DIFFERNCE IN ALL OF THIS MADNESS!
Actually, all change begins on an individual level. And to TOGETHER we can create a future where Spirit, Creativity good stewardship is cultivated and the planet is cared for in a sustainable and compassionate way.
It is the belief of ETP that a Consumerism Economy and a Competition-Based society can only have 2 possible outcomes:
1.     An un-sustainable future, via the destruction of our planet and its resources, through a constantly CONSUMING human race.
2.     A vast economic separation between the ‘Haves’ and the ‘have-nots’, leaving a huge portion of humanity to struggle for crumbs, shelter food and clothing.
This is absolutely UNACCEPATABLE for a race that HAS the technology to eradicate pollution and reduce the harmful effects of climate change... as well as feed the whole planet, sustainably…Forever!!
We wish to make lasting positive change through Education, Inspiration, Advocacy and volunteerism TOGETHER, we can leave a beautiful planet and a sustainable future for generations to come.
Please visit all of our digital platforms, learn about the issues at hand, cultivate your Sacred Ecology and meet often with others, to share your knowledge and spiritual Truth’s… and we will meet many of you, as we walk together into a brighter tomorrow.
If this resonates with you, then feel free to support our mission with a purchase form our store. Thank you for being here. Thank you for caring about the planet.
ANNOUNCEMENT: If you like to help ETP expand to have a lasting global IMPACT, then please contact us and share your skills, talents and vision by filling immediate openings on our staff. These are volunteer only positions ranging from digital content creation and social media management, to web design and other digital platforms. But we also have phone work, returning emails or just about any passion that you would like to cultivate in regards to climate change and spiritual cultivation.
OR would you rather donate your physical time as well, to some environmental tasks we have planned in the coming year?
Please drop us a line today and let’s get started helping us to restore this planet and become good stewards of the planet and each other.
Call: 714-483-3783 or go to the contact page on this site and leave us a message. We look forward to working with you to make the world a better place.
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