Evolve the Planet Foundation
Evolve the Planet Foundation is helping to restore the Planet,
it's People’s, our fragile Ecosystems, Resources and Wildlife,
back to our natural condition of Peace,
..and Abundance for all!
We do this through the practice of
...and the practice of SACRED ECOLOGY
We here at Evolve the Planet Foundation are building a global community to help restore Humanity, the Planet, its Eco Systems and Resources, back to our Natural Condition of Peace, Sustainability, Balance & Abundance… for all.
We were founded by people who have always been in search of deep scientific and spiritual Truths. ETP was born out of that search and a genuine altruism. A thirst for knowledge, serenity and peace as well as a need to find purpose & meaning in a sometimes-brutal world. The current, climate crisis, gave rise to a healthy concern for the planet and the habitats that were slowly being erased by the ‘Consumerism’ society that we have made.
Our spiritual evolution has not kept up with our technological evolution. We have so much power at our fingertips, yet we continue to destroy the planet and each other at a brutal and alarming rate. So, when considering solutions to these problems, we cannot rely on technology alone, for it has done nothing thus far to prevent the devastation that continues. The solutions it seem’s, must be of a spiritual nature.
What we’re proposing is Sacred Ecology. Sacred Ecology is simply cleansing our own inner ecologies, (i.e., mind body and spirit), so that we can manifest that inner balance and harmony into our outer world.
We found that there were many unique cultures and communities, where spirituality held great meaning & where the locals lived sustainable, abundant lives, in harmony with each other and the world around them.
The Spiritual realizations we collectively has cultivated, garnered, along with our strong background in the sciences, gave rise to idea that something was surely missing, from the scientific/environmental equation. THAT something… was spiritual in nature. That something was Sacred Ecology.